Validating a JSON file is easy. There are many good online ones, like However, if you want to validate many files, it is cumbersome, or if you have sensitive data in your JSON file, you may not want to copy/paste that to a public site.
The solution is simple. Simply install a JSON validator / checker locally. And they also allow for “pretty printing” of your JSON too. There are a few ways to skin this cat.
Steps (jsonlint):
- Install NPM. Part of nodejs. Get it from
- Get jsonlint from
- Reboot (if on Windows)
For multiple files, script it. E.g. on Windows use “for %i in (content\*.json) do jsonlint -q %i”
Steps (Cygwin):
- Make sure that Python is installed.
To run simply open a Cygwin prompt and type “cat FILE | python -mjson.tool”.
For multiple files, script it. E.g. in BASH “for FILE in content/*.json \n do \n cat $FILE | python -mjson.tool \n done”Thomas
1 comment:
Great tip!
Cygwin users can also put the following in ~/.bash_profile so you can just use "jsonlint filename" on CLI as if you had the tool
# for aliases with arguments
jsonlint() {
cat "$@" | python -mjson.tool ;
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